Employment Application
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Social Security Number
Zip Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Are you 18 years old or older?
Are you citizen of the U.S. or do you have a legal right to work in the U.S.
Type of Employment desired:
Date Available To Start:
How many hours a week would you like to work?
How many mile from home will you travel?
What days of the week would you like to work? (Check all the days you can work.)
What hours can you work? (Check 1 or more)
Is this your first job cleaning?
If, No how many years of experience do you have cleaning? (If Yes, Put N/A)
Do you have a reliable vehicle?
What size shirt do you wear?
What month and year was you last employed?(If this is your first cleaning job put N/A in blank below.)
How long was you employed there?(If this is your first cleaning job put N/A in blank below.)
May we contact them for proof of last employment?(Pick No If this is your first cleaning job.)
If you last employer was not a cleaning company.
Name the cleaning company you last worked for? (If this is your first cleaning job put N/A in blank below.)
How long did you work for the cleaning company? (If this is your first cleaning job put N/A in blank below.)
May we contact them? (Pick No If this is your first cleaning job.)
Highest Level of Education
Cash App Tag Name
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